The 6 Best Books on Body Language to Buy in 2020

Louder Than Words: Take Your Career from Average to Exceptional with the Hidden Power of Nonverbal Intelligence
Ever hear the expression “ actions speak louder than words”? Our actions in this instance is body language. Knowing how to read and interpret body language is a key tool to success. Body language though is a double edged sword. You also have to convey the right message.

  What Every BODY Is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People

  The Power of Body Language: An Ex-FBI Agent's System for Speed-Reading People
Being new to learning about body language this audio book really kicked off my learning. The author is the leading authority on body language and gives easy to fallow instructions as well as good example of said body language. I also like how he states that body language is subjective EX) someone might have received bad news before interacting with you so what one might read as this person not interested in them is really them having a negative experience before talking with you.

  Body Language: How to Analyze People and Use Powerful Communication, Persuasion and Negotiation Skills to Influence People

  Body Language: Secrets of Body Language - Female Body Language. Learn to Tell If She's Interested or Not!I'm a woman, and I must say, from a woman's perspective not all of the body language signals mentioned here are completely accurate. I'm no expert, but given the highly individualistic and subjective nature of body language, I think this book did a good job in discussing the more commonly observed ones.
What this book successfully made me realize though is that I send confusing mixed signals to guys I like. So I used this book for a different purpose altogether - learning how to send the correct signals.
This discusses female body language cues for different situations and for different stages in a relationship, from courtship to the couples stage.


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